Recent World 60 Locations:
One Point Penguins -
1. Zanaris Toadstool - last at Otherworldly Beings, south of bank.
2. Goblin Village bush - Freda's house, west of troll invasion.
3. Gnome Maze bush - Ardougne Castle, south wing.
4. Rellekka rock - Rellekka cowpen, spyable over the fence.
5. Port Khazard barrel - last in house northeast of Ardougne marketplace.
Two Point Penguins -
6. Castle Wars rock A - Ardougne Jade Vine Mansion porch.
7. Mort Myre rock - Fenkenstrain's Castle, was in east room.
8. Wilderness rock A - Dark Warrior Fortress northwest room last, level 15ish.
9. Wilderness rock B - Deserted Keep (lever), around level 50.
10 Jatizso rock - was in Jatizso food hall last.
12. Castle Wars rock B - Yanille south wall.
Three Point Penguin (Ghost) -
11. teleports frequently, check spy device for hints, ask for needed help in chat.
Polar Bear - Rellekka well, near the longhall.
02-Aug-2023 17:40:13