Our team has rounded up five penguins into Draynor Manor on
. Happy hunting!
The following penguins are in the pantry room at Draynor Manor:
-1. Digsite A, snowman - 1 point
-2. Goblin Village, snowman - 1 point
-3. Lumbridge Swamp, snowman - 1 point
-4. Al Kharid, snowman - 1 point
-5. Digsite B, snowman - 1 point
Please spy carefully, and close doors to lessen their chances of escape! Also, please avoid having the nearby NPC's (Helda, Maemi or the rat) enter the pantry room if possible.
Please DO NOT call/announce these locations in our FCs !
The safest way to spy these penguins is to not open any doors at all. Get into position on another world, then hop to 35; spy; and hop away again.