Recent World 60 Locations - All penguins are snowmen
-Barbarian Outpost - last spyable over fence at waterfall raft house
-Castle Wars - last in Yanille north wall
-NW Ardougne - last at Ardougne jade vine mansion (house with the guard dogs)
-Observatory - last in Ardougne castle, south wing
-Dragontooth - cannot leave the island
-Ape Atoll - last at agility course
-Elf/Tirannwn - over leaf trap, east of bridge to Prifddinas
-Dorgesh-Kaan - last in northeast side room near entrance to the mines
-Zanaris - last at otherworldly beings, south of bank
-Wilderness A - last inside Dark Warrior Fortress (DWF), lvl 15ish
-Wilderness B - Freezer Peng - last inside Dark Warrior Fortress (DWF), lvl 15ish
Polar Bear - Rellekka well, near longhall
Santa's lost present locations
- Day 1: by the fountain east of Lumbridge crater
- Day 2: north of Al Kharid bank
- Day 3: southeast of Lumbridge Hops patch
- Day 4: Jolly Boar Inn, west of Varrock lumber yard
- Day 5: Varrock palace 1st floor near stairs
- Day 6: in Draynor at the Wise Old Man's house
- Day 7: south of Draynor Manor garden entrance
- Day 8: at Falador Farm cabbage field, south of Falador
- Day 9: in Port Sarim, east of the Ports Portal
- Day 10: in Rimmington, outside the general store
- Day 11: in Falador Park, near the tree patch
- Day 12: Falador White Knight Castle, next to entrance door to the south
- Day 13: On Ice Mountain, southern end
- Day 14: by Bandos's remains, southeast of Goblin Village
- Day 15: next to Lady of the Lake, south east of Taverley
- Day 16: Burthorpe house with range, south east of lodestone