1 point pengs
- Ice Mountain rock - north of Falador Castle, along the moat
- Goblin Village bush - west of wall crossing on path to Death Plateau
- Wizard Tower bush -
in Draynor Manor pantry
- Eagles Peak bush - Needle Skips house, far NW of pisc (quest cannot be in progress)
- Desert cactus A - in Pollnivneach, in the house south of Sumona
2 point pengs
- Desert cactus B - in Nardah herb shop
- Miscellania bush - in Miscellania Castle courtyard, near the dungeon ladder
- Mort Myre rock - in Fenkenstrain's castle, NW room
- Mort Myre toadstool - (FREEZER) - in the Slayer Tower
- Lletya toadstool - cannot leave town, but can roam up to tree gate
- Ape Atoll barrel - confined to south side of island outside monkey gate
Polar Bear (1 point) - Rellekka well