Recent w60 locations
1 - point penguins
1. Mudskipper bush - Draynor manor kitchen
2. East Karamja bush - roaming east island, usually near fairy ring DKP
3. Brimhaven bush - in Cap'n Arnav's house in the north of Brimhaven
4. Eagles Peak bush - in Ardy castle south wing
5. Feldip rock - Ardy Jade Vine Mansion
2 - point penguins
6. Sophanem cactus - in the temple at the northeast of town
7. Wilderness rock - at the end of the lava maze
8. Mort Myre bush - in the slayer tower
9. Miscellania bush - was last behind Etceteria bank.
10. Neitiznot rock - can't leave the town island
12. Mos Le Harmless barrel - west wall
3 - point penguin
11. Ghost Penguin - teleports frequently, check spy device for hints
Polar Bear - Varrock well, southeast gated area
03-Dec-2022 18:37:34
- Last edited on
03-Dec-2022 18:38:32