This is sooo dumb! I'm in the wild and i get a player i'm attacking to 10 hp, cast and entangle and then he just disappears! He X-logged and escaped! How come the 10 second wait while in combat doesn't work if you x-log the game? This is a bug and it needs to be fixed!!! Why does this still exist? Jagex get this fixed ASAP! Why are you favoring people on this game? If you do choose to X-log it shouldn't let you if you are in combat!!!! It should follow the 10 second while in combat rule! Why does this X-log even exists? Bunch of Bulls*** if you ask me... FFS get this fixed! I'm trying to have fun and pk, but the game is far less enjoyable when your target and escape when there not supposed to!! Soo dumb! Please fix this...
26-Apr-2020 08:01:16