- What style and gear will you use?
Ranged, attuned bow (mobile) + royal dhide
- Have you done Warbands before? (If so, past FC's?) (Why left)
Yes but before it was reworked to be every several hours. It wasn't very pvp heavy. Haven't done any on this account.
- What clan are you in?
Falling Dawn
- Do you have access to Discord?
- What time zone are you in?
Eastern USA
- Do you fully understand our rules and have viewed the images in our forum??
- Did anyone from the Fc vouch you?
Nesma. I have been bullied into this.
Stay happy.
PandaForce v2 - I will return, I will rebuild.
24-Apr-2019 22:16:42
- Last edited on
24-Apr-2019 22:17:03
P andaForce