1) RSN: ibbi077
2) Combat level:138
3) What experience with warbands or PKing do you have? I used to do warbands years ago and got basic knowledge of pking.
4) List any previous warbands FCs: 103 wb
5) Are you willing to help out the FC by scouting and/or anti-PKing at times? yes.
6) Are you willing to sacrifice loot to fight if needed? yes.
7) How often do you think you will attend waves? evry day.
8) Are you interested in group PKing or learning to PK and improve your skills in the wilderness? Would love it.
9) Anti, war, and practices are considered mandatory unless specified otherwise. Will you attend these? yes, just like back in the day.
10) After applying will you contact one of the hosts listed here? yes.
11) Have you read all of the rules? yes.
02-Sep-2021 12:46:46