In the FC in game, when someone ask about an abbreviation, they are often told that the abbreviations can all be found on And that is true. But it is not organized in a way to make it easy to find a specific abbreviation. In addition to your list nicely organized by region, skill level, free versus pay, etc. it would be really nice to have a list that is simply in alphabetical order by abbreviation. I expect someone on here has the database in a form that can be manipulated more effectively than I can. But since I'm making a suggestion, I at least did what I could do by copying, editing and pasting into Excel. I sorted alphabetically by the names as they are listed already. In many cases, but not all, the abbreviations follow the same alphabetization. This would be even more useful for looking up abbreviations if it were sorted by abbreviation.
Here's a start. This will take maybe three posts.
Al Kharid Bank – North of the bank; near the palace cart. Abbreviation: ''akb''
Al Kharid Chasm/Scorpions Mine – Lands in the center of the mine. Abbreviation: ''scorps''
Asgarnia – Falador, Rimmington region. Abbreviation: ''asg''
Brimhaven Dungeon – Mining area south of the entrance to Brimhaven Dungeon. Abbreviation: ''brim''; ''brimmy''
Burgh de Rott – Near the Burgh de Rott bank. Abbreviation: ''burg(h),'' ''bdr''
Canifis – Near the Canifis bank. Abbreviation: ''can'', ''canifis''
Champion’s Guild – Mining area near the Champion’s Guild. This location does not require entrance to the Champion’s Guild. Abbreviation: ''champs'' (not cg/wv)
Coal Trucks – Located within the Coal Trucks mining area. Abbreviation: ''ct''
Crafting Guild – Inside the guild, lands in the mine area. Abbreviation: ''cg''
Crandor - on the southeast corner of the island; requires partial completion of Dragon Slayer. Abbreviation: "cran", "crandor"
Crandor/Karamja – Western Karamja mainland, Crandor region. Abbreviation: ''c/k''
22-Jun-2020 07:21:32