Recent World 60 Locations - 3/9-3/16
1. Draynor - Crate – last in Draynor manor kitchen, NW corner
2. Lighthouse - Rock – cannot leave the island
3. Observatory - Crate – last in Ardougne castle, south wing
4. Dorgesh-Kaan - Barrel – last in NE corner room, near entrance to the mines
5. Barbarian Outpost - Bush – last spyable over fence, at waterfall raft house
6. Elf/Isafdar south of Elf camp – Toadstool – It cannot leave the area. It roams south of the log crossing at Lord Iorwerth’s camp within the hunting area.
7. Mos Le'Harmless - Barrel – last on west wall of town
8. Ape Atoll - Bush – last in hut at agility course
9. Elf Lands/ South of Prifddinas – Rock – it cannot leave the small clearing that is outside the SE corner of the city wall, NW of the limestone mine, near the leaf trap.
10. Wild - Rock – last in lava maze
11. Ghost Penguin - teleports frequently, check spy device for hints.
12. Wild - Rock -- last in lava maze, spawns there on all worlds
Bear - Falador well
Circus: Draynor
10-Mar-2021 04:11:21