Steals Mels post and updates:
**Recent World 60 Locations**
1-Point Penguins
- 1. Port Khazard barrel -
- 2. McGrubbor's Woods bush - confined to the Woods. Fairy ring code A-L-S
- 3. Castle Wars bush -
last in ardy market north east house
- 4. Gnome Stronghold bush - last seen roaming south of the Agility course
- 5. Eagles' Peak bush -
last roaming eagles peak area
- 6. Jatizso rock - last seen in the food hall
- 7. Jatizso bush - last seen in the northeast guard tower
- 8. Lunar Isle rock - last seen roaming east of the Livid Farm, though bring your spy device!
- 9. Wilderness rock - last seen north of the Volcano in the far northeast wild
- 10. Miscellania bush - last seen roaming near the maple trees
- 12. Castle Wars rock -
last in seers anvil building
Polar Bear (1 point) - in Falador well.
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