Ben's Rune Price Guide - Last updated on 21/3/2021
This guide shows you the base price of each rune, and my recommendations on which runes to use.
Use these!
Earth 18000
Water 20000
Mind 36000
Body 54000
Chaos 78000
Air 80000
Death 105600
Nature 110250
Law 118200
Cosmic 129600
Fire 130000
Astral 143700
Blood 199500
Don't use these
Mud 282000
Lava 456500
Steam 478500
Smoke 526000
Mist 537000
Dust 619500
Soul 828900
30 Viswax (slot 1 and 2), is currently 392,790GP. Subtract the figures above from the Viswax price for base profit.
Don't forget that for every attempt you make, the base runes needed and cost of runes go up by 0.5%!