Format stolen from Mel and updated
1-point pengs
- Mage Training Arena bush - in MTA garden
- Barbarian Outpost bush - at the Raft housr, north of Baxtorian Falls
- Lighthouse rock - cannot leave lighthouse island
- Dorgesh-Kaan barrel - in northeast room, near entrance to mines
- Desert cactus A - in house south of Sumona, in Pollnivneach
2-point pengs
- Desert cactus B - in the Swamp east of Sophanem
- Piscatoris crate - in the Needle Skips house, northwest of the Airuts.
- Elf rock A - east of bridge to Prifddinas, over leaf trap
- Elf rock B (FREEZER) - east of bridge to Prifddinas, over leaf trap
- Mos Le'Harmless barrel - on the northwest wall in town
- Wilderness rock - at the Deserted Keep (Ardougne/Edgeville lever)
Polar Bear (1 point) - Rimmington well
Ghost (3 points) - called in FC or ask Chuck for hints
14-Jan-2020 21:34:32