Time of sighting: time of this post
Worlds: 44
Disguise: Bush - 1 point - Barbarian Outpost penguin
Location: Seers anvil, west of the bank
Trapped: yes
Time of sighting: time of this post
Worlds: 10
Disguise: Port Khazard barrel, 1 point
Location: Seers anvil, west of the bank
Trapped: yes, but...the guthix butterflies...
goddess of dawn, mirth and revelry
you can thank me for restoring light to the world
Time of sighting: time of this post
Worlds: 116
Disguise: Bush -Mage Training Arena - 1 point
Location: running around the GE
Trapped: running in circles, but not trapped
All you need is a little faith, trust, and pixie dust (heart)
Neverland, just off to the left of Lunar Isle and only a quest away