The state of Last Man Standing is steadily declining...
You guys did a good job of keeping bots out of the mini game for a while. But 90% of the participants are bots now. Last Man Standing has introduced PVP to many players and allowed them to become familiar with the mechanics in PVP without consequence.
With so many bots in games, new players interested in PVP will turn away from even playing the mini game. LMS was meant to be a gateway for these new players interested in PVP to gain experience. With the amount of bots in the mini game, players can't even gain real experience and actually learn how to PK.
Down the road, Last Man Standing will become yet another bot farm in the game. Eventually this will result in you guys removing profitable rewards and you will have created yet another deserted mini game.
There is no reason to elaborate in detail on how bots affect the game or Last Man Standing. We all know too well what it does to state of the game.
All I ask is that you guys stay on top of keeping bots out of Last Man Standing