Achievement gear is old enough, and imo, relevant enough to be considered worthy for a graphical redesign. On a side note, wouldn’t it be awesome if the seer’s head band was changed to a seer’s hood that not only blended well with the rest of the set but could be adorned over a complete slayer helm? *chills*
I’d also absolutely love to do more with achievement gear, and btw if your still reading, I thank you for your time to consider this idea. Please hear me out. To be qualified to possess achievement armour one would have need to complete some challenges that require them to be quite well acquainted with combat, especially the desert amulet and quiver variants which may just be the two most combat intensive pieces in the set to acquire.
However, I feel the current armour stats of the set do not reflect this effort. Currently the Achievement set provides many teleport utilities and percentage boons for your skilling necessities. But let’s say you have some parts of the set currently equipped, and perhaps during your farming runs, you’d decided to do a daily slayer challenge? I’d think it’s a shame that achievement armour can’t be really considered for use in moderately challenging combat situations.
27-Apr-2023 23:46:35