Just finished the voting forum on the new skill. After doing so and reviewing what has been introduced, brought to my attention on a skill that has been dead in the water for quite a long time with no benefit even for ironmen/women. What saddens me, is the definition of such skill has far more potential than it currently has. We're in 2023 - not 2007. Time for smithing to have a revamp.
Original purpose of smithing is to make your own gear - only up to rune. Never been able to make a full list of dragon. Not able to make obsidian equipment. Yet, certain dragon items we can make and godswords we can restore. Rune items still stuck in the high 90's, which become obsolete when dragon weapons can be wielded and obtained. Still not able to improve ones equipment, yet we're a blacksmith smithing?
I feel for starters, there needs to be a overview of all items and check to see if they can be forged or not. If able to, questing is required to be done in order to make it or not.
Level Revamp
To start off, rune should be made around lvl 60 smith. Because the product is so out of date, there's no need for it to stay at the 90's. Despite the "pricing" on the products in the runescape economy, more and more players wear other gear items; such as void, fighter torso, dragon, etc. over rune. If concern for f2p players, give them the ability to make their own equipment if needed.
After 60, be able to make dragon equipment. All of it. I'd say a quest is required for this feature, for most dragon items are only obtainable if certain quests are done. To balance it, such equipment can only be made if those quests are also done. That way, those quests do not become dead content. To obtain dragon ore, like rune ore, should be rare. Dragon ore should be obtained in very dangerous parts of runescape. Best place I can think of is the wilderness. Other places, high level traffic of monsters. Timer to respawn similar to rune ore, if not longer.
23-Jan-2023 17:55:19