Got my first skill pet since the end of April. 12th in total, only 7 more to go.
Skill: Farming
Pet Name: Brains
Exactly what were you doing: Checking the health of a palm tree, at 21,6m XP. Funny thing is that I thought "Now I want that Brains, please" and it came.
Skill: Farming - around level 95 (now 99)
Pet Name: Brains
Exactly what were you doing: Checking the health of a palm tree I planted in the Meilyr District in Prifddinas.
Skill: Mining
Pet Name: Rocky
Exactly what you were doing: Mining Seren Stones in Prif while wearing full Golden Mining suit (
Golem, at that point) and a toolbelted Crystal Pickaxe.
Pet Name: Willow
Exactly what were you doing: Gleaming wisps, i think i'd just past level 50 Div, it was past 5 in the morning and it was my first DXP weekend, which was this February.
Pet Name: Crabbe
Exactly what were you doing: Co-Op Slayer with my boyfriend, the task was Gargoyles, very fitting! :3 And i had just past level 75, this was in July.
Pet Name: Dojo Mojo
Exactly what were you doing: Werewolf course, i had just finished the lap and he popped up in my invent, i was level 74 and was working my way up to level 75 for Prif reqs, this was 4 days after getting Crabbe.
Pet Name: Gemi
Exactly what were you doing: Harps at Prif, i was checking out the harps for the second time just to get some more Harmonic dust, i was slightly AFK and saw the green text out of the corner of my eye, I got Gemi at level 81 this month.
Pet Name: Rue
Exactly what were you doing: I'd hit my 99 RC goal over DXP that just passed, so i was happy about that but i kept on grinding RC because of the fact that Rue has been and always was my goal from the very start when i joined Runescape in December last year, i really wanted to get her so i just kept grinding. Seeing at the very least 6 people get her over the last day and a half of DXP, i kept going. I finally got her at 101 RC this Monday while siphoning either a Blood node or a Soul node, i honestly can't remember which....I was too busy freaking out over the fact i had gotten Rue lol.
Jack of Trades title = UNLOCKED!
20-Sep-2017 02:51:38
- Last edited on
20-Sep-2017 02:59:55