I already own the Master farmer outfit, but sadly I use the Farmer's outfit instead. I don't save the clean herbs in my bank. I save the herbs grimy. It would be great to have an option on the Master farmer outfit to toggle automatic herb cleaning to off.
I'm going to follow this up with also allowing the herb bag to take cleaned herbs, or some other compromise that keeps the herb bag useful.
Removing noted herb drops from the game would keep the herb bag useful.
Get rid of grimy herbs, redistribute the xp to making unfinished potions - problem solved. There is no reason why herblore needs to process its basic material twice.
(F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes:
I keep wasting Juju Farmer Potions. I keep forgetting to change from the Master Farmer's Outfit to the lesser Farmer's Outfit. Last time, my Master Farmer's Cape perk kicked in on the second herb pull and I ended up with 60+ clean herbs. In frustration I offered them all on G.E. for 1gp.
I like to clean my herbs while I am doing Herblore, and while I am wearing the Botanist's Outfit. I also like to have the grimy herbs in my bank rather than clean herbs because of the frequent Daily Herblore Challenges.