As someone who can even out smart the Real world economy issues. "our entire system of economy is flawed"
---This games economy problems list----
-Max Gp limit resulting in many high value items becoming 'currency'.
-GE tax is also now an issue (it's avoidable and useless tbh)
Decompiling economics; beginning 500gp, 5 players, each has 100gp to become richer you require gold creation (high alching, selling to shops etc), with only that much GP a bandos chest would be 20gp or less.
^More money = higher you can sell items, more money your willing to spend, hence why the rich always control the markets even in real life.
The fix seems like deflation tactics? but these tactics actually harm the poor, enrich the rich.
-Stock market systems 101 - grand exchange in RS both operate on a Losses and gains system, some players gain from "ones losses", those players want said item to crash, others selling said items want it to rise but given current funding have 2 choices; sell for lower to that player or hold it and sell for higher.
^prime example, i needed onyx's but since i don't need it ASAP, i did a joke offer for 750001ea, bought over 120 of them, price did crash that week. Supply and demand can be 'abused' if you know how. I know at certain times, items gained in-game are slow so some during that time might buy for higher or sell for less given the supply of it.
Runescape's true fix isn't easy, it's a video game you don't need deflation tactics. Personally i think jagex should add platinum tokens to bust open the 'items being used as currency issue', many will panic sell, good, better for the game TBH. Once that becomes stable, you edit drop rates.
Too much GP sinks, cause players to feel like some things are a chore.
- PvM is an upkeep chore, i don't even invest in new ability/gear and dead content chains need fixed
Real issue is "Too many rich players and items being used as currency due to GP cap" just look up mintcakes, they used to be 2-10M.
16-Feb-2023 05:25:53