Updated Request: Dialog
Gnome Restaurant Delivery
Captain Dearkin - "Excellent. Just what I need whilst watching the duels."
What... uhh, what duels are ya talkin' about there bud? You already let us know you've pretty much retired from your test-piloting days with the destruction of the Duel Arena. You bump your head a little too hard on one of those landings?
The good chap has been ordering a FEW too many Drunk Dragon and Blurberry Special deliveries from me these days, and I'm a bit worried he's drinking himself into some early onset dementia.
Any help some kind developer might offer to alleviate his battered recollections would be of great appreciation to this veteran tip-scrounging deliveryman.
Yours in Honor,
~ Drake R. Paine
29-Apr-2023 20:55:02