~~Signature Application~~
Name: JessKuhh
Do you want a specific artist? nah
Do you want a signature from one of our galleries, or do you want one built from scratch? yes please,
Line 1: Queen JessKuhh
Line 2: organiser for allies of saradomin
Line 3: citadel is a must everyweek
Line 4: to become the #1 clan
Do you want Normal, Çléâñ, (¥)€§§¥, or 1337 text? clean
Did you read the rules? yes
What browser are you using? (IE, Firefox, etc) i/e
How many lines do you want the signature to be? (1-4) 4 please
Do you want it Shaded, Alt Spaced, Regular, or Character Reduced? surprise me please?
Would you like the signature symmetrical or unsymmetrical? does the mean kinda like centerd or not centerd?
Extra Notes:
29-Sep-2013 21:31:41
- Last edited on
29-Sep-2013 21:34:28