what a shame,
I tried to pm you in game,
but your pms off,
must be because your getting crashed (cough),
if you ever turn it on,
be ready to be challenged to a one v. one.
I´m logged in, but I don't care for PvP.
EoC: Stuns, Stuns and more stuns, oh wonder, O M G!
Why would you even 1v1 me,
I thought we were talking PvM, you see?
A dps battle? my 88 vs. your 99?
You must have skipped math if you think thats fine.
I don't need a test to see you´ll win that one
You remind me a tad of other people I´ve met son.
You boast and hide behind your big numbers
When true skill and a good spirit are the true wonders
I've not even seen your bank, I bet you´d bring drygores?
It wouldn't suprise me, when you wage these kinds of wars.
...Yup, I rhymed with "drygores". I just did one of your chores!
boy you must be so poor,
but I hate to be a bore,
ill pm you in game,
and put you to shame,
ill leave my drygores at home,
only because I want to pick a bone,
but since ive now pmed you our little tiff,
is over so someone else give this thread a rip!
Hey! Hello there,
I have a person above me
Or am I below him
What ever way round
He's quiet the charm
Whether you're above
Or I'm below
This could end up
Quite a story to tell
Love & peace <3
04-May-2014 05:47:54
- Last edited on
04-May-2014 05:49:12
Miss Kizmo