Keep it.
Then end up losing it.
(I suck at not losing pencils at school.)
The Forum Fight(I'd keep, 'cause I personally like living...(ignore this)).
Lord Yatagarasu, the Black Sun.
Thank you for giving me your power.
The sunlight that rains down on the Earth
is a nuclear furnace that will create new atoms.
My ultimate nuclear fusion will burn up
every body, heart, phantom, and fairy!
Eat it! I wonder how it tastes...
A pointless rock that has no value whatsoever no matter what universe you are in everyone hates it it is ridiculous I mean come on it's a flipping stupid ROCK!!! Who wants to have a stupid nooby ridiculous rock that does nothing ever. It doesn't even make a decent ranged weapon. Or melee. And what wizard would use it? Seriously, the rock has no value.
So yes, a rock with no use at all.
Keep it, to decompose to contents(And do a little of the photodegrading of plastic!)!
ax^(2)+bx+c=0, where a=/=0?(It's quadratic time!)
Lord Yatagarasu, the Black Sun.
Thank you for giving me your power.
The sunlight that rains down on the Earth
is a nuclear furnace that will create new atoms.
My ultimate nuclear fusion will burn up
every body, heart, phantom, and fairy!