harry potter and the ice barrage
harry potter and the bloated ass
harry potter and the crappy teacher
harry potter and diddy kong
harry potter and the king of randomness
harry potter gets schooled
harry potter drops out
harry potty takes a dump
man my friend would love to flood in his ideas
harry potter gets his magic skillscape
harry potter is now harry botter
harry botter gets banned for using bots
harry botter appeals his ban
harry botter is now perm banned
harry botter creates a new account
harry botter sues jagex
harry botter loses the lawsuit
harry potter stops using bots
harry potter gets his herblore skillscape
harry potter pwns a noob
Harry Potter meets The Teletubbies: The Final Conflict
Harry Potter attends the Dark Lords Funeral RIP Voldemort
Harry Potter HATES YOU!
Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling has now run out of ideas)