Harry Potter and the... wtf who writes this stuff!?
Harry Potter appears on Question Time
Harry Potter's Author Couldn't Be Bothered
Harry Potter reads a Gentlemen's Magazine
Harry Potter writes a Gentlemen's Magazine
Harry Potter complains about petrol prices
Harry Potter Licks a Battery
I could go on... and I will...
Harry Potter Sues God
harry potter, and the lack of grammEr
Harry Potter Eats a Battery
Harry Potter IS the Weakest Link, goodbye.
Harry Potter Loses (Well at the end of the day, you know, the lads was tired...)
Harry Potter gets Dave ja vu
Harry Potter releases a book on what it's like being the Stig
Harry Potter and the Orange Wednesday
Harry Potter Runs for Labour Party Leadership
Harry Potter discovers why JaGeX has 3 capitals and is forced to sign the Official Secrets Act
Harry Potter Goes Over to the Dark Side and promptly bumps into a table
02-Sep-2010 09:29:05
- Last edited on
02-Sep-2010 10:04:13