Harry Potter and The White Partyhat.
Harry Potter meets his match.
Harry Potter goes to Camelot.
Harry Potter uses Ancient Magicks.
Harry Potter loses his fame.
Harry Potter and the Merching Clans.
Harry Potter duels Zamorak.
Harry Potter meets Lucien.
Harry Potter drinks a Wizard's Mind Bomb.
Harry Potter discovers the combat triangle.
Harry Potter and the poorly constructed run on sentence that really seems to have no end and continues far off the cover of the book, and continues onto the table or bed, or whatever item is beneath the book at the current time, then leaves the cover completly to go play Cod 4.
Harry Potter and the Dangerous Thingy
Harry Potter and the Advert
Harry Potter and the Humiliation
Harry Potter and his Homework
Harry Potter and the Weird Title
Harry Potter and his Evil Counterpart
Harry Potter and Roulette (how it all ended)
Harry Potter and the Weasel (don´t talk to it)
10-Apr-2010 09:04:36
- Last edited on
10-Apr-2010 09:15:24