sorry i am not/wont be bumping lately, still recovering my bumps ect from my last comp. thanks for cooperayshun
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¸.··¨ . . . Iƒ I'm âñ ¡d¡ø† whÿ ârè yøu s†¡|| hèrè †a|kiñg †ø mè¿ . . . ¨··.¸
ok. im not going to be on monday,tuesday,wednesday, friday, and part of saterday next week because i have basketball games on all those nites
P.S. i mite not be on tommorrow either
-Logo application-
Name: B Boy Rock
What do you want your logo to look like: Kinda similer to the keza's signatures logo, i like how it looks
I want it to say b boys clue log with a picture of a clue next to it if possible
Text: B Boy's Clue Log
Is it for a clan/company: **B Boy's Clue log‡
If so what's the qfc: 21-22-359-58214002
Can we put our name in it: Yeah sure i guess so.
Will you be patient: Of course
How fast do you need it: As soon as you can make it i guess.
Reason: So i can have an ownage clue log
Secret word: Signature
Notes: I'd be happy to put a qfc to here on my log.
Oh and I might get a signature made for it or a bump later.
Thanks a Bunch
10-Jan-2009 04:33:19
- Last edited on
10-Jan-2009 06:50:57
B Boy Rock