signature application-
name: greenhous777
border(1,2,3 ect):34
text line 1: GrEeNhOuS777
text line 2 (optional): Co-LeAdEr of ElItE LeGeNdS
normal, messy or clean(text): normal
how fast do you need it: as soon plz
reason: bumper
secret word: SIGNATURE
other notes: can i have alts in it AND can it be alligned?
name: X rangeace *
border(1,2,3 ect): Bump Borerder 1
text line 1: X RangeAce *
text line 2 (optional): Master of Havoc
normal, messy or clean(text): Messy
how fast do you need it: whenever no rush
reason: As the leader of a clan I need a clan leader like bump but I am not creative enough to make one.
secret word: Signature (logo ap* only)
other notes: Thank you.