-Continues Listening to The Living End- You totally *have* to listen to some of their songs if you haven't! and if you have, do it moaaarrr!
Why can't I link and use special buttons like you
Okay okay down to business.
Very nice Mod Trance
Next Viewer must listen to - SOUNDS OF THE NIGHT FLIPBOOK - Tiesto
(Just type Tiesto or Official tiesto and look on his channel and go from there.
To explain the video - its Following Melanie as she gets ready/parties - its a special video in terms celebrating the release of the official Tiesto headphones as well)
I might also add...
The guys of course will enjoy the clip <****;...
Alright, I must admit that my next song to be posted is from a PS2 game. Its still good though. And I recommend the game. Not sure about the other 4 games in the series though =P