
Cool art

Quick find code: 55-56-808-65479957



Posts: 38,491 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
4A6F6B6B75 said :

....... :) ........ :) :) ........ :) .. :) ........ :) .. :) ....... :) ...... :)
....... :) ...... :) .... :) ...... :) :) .......... :) :) ......... :) ...... :)
. :) ... :) ...... :) .... :) ...... :) .. :) ........ :) .. :) ....... :) ...... :)
... :) :) .......... :) :) ........ :) .... :) ...... :) .... :) ........ :) :)

This right here is just too cool for school

24-Dec-2015 08:43:56



Posts: 35,046 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Diagonal mirroring

Diagonal mirroring is a technique I wanted to learn. Here is my first try! 10 January, 2016.

˜ˆ - ¸
¸ - ¸
` ·¸· ˆ ˜ ˆ ·¸
;´ ­ `;
˜ - , ¸ , · ¨
¨ · ¸
˜ ¬ ,¸


Here is another try, now a more complex design. Succeeded pretty much perfectly! 17 January, 2016.

´·¸ .:;:.. ¸··¸ . ..:.:;;::;::.:. . . ¸ ·/ ­ ..::;::....::; ;;::.. ¸·/ .::. ¸·‘´`ˆ-¸ . . ...:.::::;:;;;
;:.. ˜-¸ ­ '. ­ ­ ,' . .:.:;::.:. . ¸· ˜ ­ ¸‘ ­ ­ _)0]{]{(_)23¸·´ ,' .::. ,' . .::;::. . ¨·¸„¸ . ...:.::;
;::.:... . `ˆ´·¸ . .::;::. . ,‘ .::. ,‘ ¸·˜ ­ ­ (o00o\_ ­ ­ ­ ­ ¸‘ ­ ¸-¯ . .:.::;:.:. . ,‘ ­ ­ ', ­ `-¸ ..:;
;;;:;::::.:... . . ¨-_¸¸.·´ .::. /·´ ...::;; ;::....::;::.. ­ / · ´ . . .:.::;:;;:.:.. .¯~¯ ..:;:. `·¸

Jokku comments on botting

Split text sig is a signature with text placed so that it can be read in many ways. I was trying to be funny with this one - did pretty well, in my opinion! 24 January, 2016.

, '
¸‘ ,‘
... Jokku .......
,´ ­ ­,‘
`·' ;¨ ­­¸.',·¸
`·' ;
,' ­ ¸‘
....... Bots ........
.............. Slaying .........
',­ ‘

20-Mar-2016 11:51:00 - Last edited on 20-Mar-2016 12:35:20 by 4A6F6B6B75



Posts: 35,046 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Shading only signatures

This is not my idea, but here are some signatures made with the shading symbols mainly.

31 January, 2016.

;::. . . .:;;:; . . . . .::; . ... ... . . .:;;::...... ;:; .. ..:::.. . .. ;: . .:; . ;: . .:; . ;:; . . . ;:; . ... .::;:; . . . ;:;:. . . . . . . .:.:;:;:;;
. . . . .::;; . . . ;:::; . . .:;;:.:;:.. . . . ....... ;:; .;: . . . :;. . ;:.:; . .. ;:.:; . .. ;:; . . . ;:; . ..:;:; . . . ;:;:. . . . .:;:;;:. . . . ..::;
. . . .:;;. . . . ;::. . . ..::;;:....:;:;: . . . ..... ;:; .;: . . . :;. . ;:.:; . .. ;:.:; . .. ;:; . . . ;:; . .::;; . . . ;:;:. . . .:;:;:. . .:;:;:. . .:;
;:;:; . ;:.:. . . . ..::;;:;:;:.........:;:; . . ;:..:;:; .. ;:....:; . .. ;: . .:; . ;: . .:; .. ;;::..::;; . .. . . ;:;:.:. . .:.:;;:;:;:. . . . . . . ...:;

7 February, 2016.

;:.:.. . . ..::::;:;;;;;;;:;::;:. .. . . .. ...:.:::;;;;;;; .. Can't stop myself .. ;;;;;;:.:.. . . ..:.::;;;;::.:.. .. . . . . ....:.::::;;:;;;
;:;:.:.. . . ..::;:;;:;::;::... . . .::;::.. . . . . . .:;;; .. from looking and .. ;;;:.:. . . . ..:.::;;;:.:.. . . ..:;::;::.. . . ..:.::;:;;;
;;;:;::.:.. . . ..::;::;:.. . . ..:.:;;;::.:.. . . . .:.:;;; .... 'no dissing you .... ;;;:. . . . . . ..::;::. . . ...::;::;:;;:;::.. . . ..:.:;:;
;;;:;;::::.:.... . . . . .. ..:.::;;;;::.:.. . . ..:.:;;;;;; ..... no dissing me ..... ;;;;;;;:::.:... .. . . .. .:;::;:;;;;;;;:;::::.. . . ..:.:;

14 February, 2016.

;::. . . .:;;;;;;;::.. . . . . .:;:. . . .. .:.::;:;;;:;::.:. . _-¬ ¸ .:;:. ¸ . ,¸ ..::;;;;;;;:. ,'.::;
;;:;:. . . .:;;;:. . . .:;;;;:. . .::;;::.. . Cheers . „¯.::;;::.¨‹ ‘´.:;;;;:.°„ .:;;;:. ¸‘.:;:;;
;;;;:;::.. . . . . .:;;;;:. . . .::;;;;::.:... Jokku ,“.:.::;;;;:::..˜„ .:;;;;:. . `¬¸·´.::;:;;;;
;;;;:;:;;:;:.:. . ... ... . .::;:;;;;;;::.:.. . . ... ¸, ' .:.::;;;;;;;:;::.¯- _¸¸, •*˜.:;:;;:;:;;;;

20-Mar-2016 11:51:06 - Last edited on 20-Mar-2016 12:38:08 by 4A6F6B6B75



Posts: 35,046 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Do you want a medal?

Gordon Ramsay has a message for you. 7 February, 2016.

¸- ˆ´¯`ˆ -¸






` · ¸
¸ · ´

¸¬ ˆ´˜`ˆ ¬¸

¸ · ‘,

' ¸ '

` - _ _ - ´


At least one hundred and fifty or more to sweep, to be a Minesweeper master is my destiny! 16 February, 2016.

……………………………………………………….. ¸. ~,·,~ .¸
…………………………………………………………. `‘:;;;:‘´
……………………………………………………………. :;:;:
………………………………………………….. ¸„•* ° ´¯¯` ° *•„¸
…………………………………………….. ¸•˜ ..……………………… ˜•¸
……… ,‘´¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯`' ·¸ .. ,·´ …………………………………. `·, .. ¸· '´¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯`'¸
……… ' ……………………………. ',‘ ……………¸ · ˆ ­ ˜ ­ ˆ · ¸…………… ‘,' .……………………………. '
……… `‘ ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °*•¸ .…… ' …………. ,´ . . . . . . . . .`, .………… ' .…… ¸•*° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ‘´
………………………………. ‘, ..… ' …………. ' . . . . :;;;: . . . . ' .………… ' ….. ,‘
………. ¸_, , , , , , , , , , , ·‘ …… '. ………… ‘¸ . . . . . . . . . ¸‘ …………. ' ……. ‘· , , , , , , , , , , , _¸
…….. .‘ ……………………………. ¸‘'·¸ ..……… `' - „ , „ - '´ ..……… ¸·'‘¸ ……………………………. ‘.
…….. ‘„¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸„·´ ..… ‘¬¸ ..………………………… ¸¬‘ …. `·„¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸„‘
………………………………………………….. `*‹„¸ ..………… ¸„›*´
……………………………………………………………. ` ˆ ˆ ´

20-Mar-2016 11:51:41 - Last edited on 20-Mar-2016 12:45:20 by 4A6F6B6B75



Posts: 35,046 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nop's noob sig

Here's a task Nop gave me:

Nop Rs said :
For your next assignment, please take this Arial 9 signature, adapt it to the current font, and clean it up. Feel free to change as much as you like, just try to keep the same design, and similar symbol usage.

…::;°...::::;;;;;°•,¸¸,•°Words are a mere*•-,¸.::;;;;;::.¸,-•*;;;:.waste of time;;:.°•,¸¸,•°;;;;;::::…°;::…
..::;;;;°•,¸¸¸,•°°•¸:;;Images on the other hand, remain in our minds forever;;:¸•°°•,¸¸¸,•°;;;;::..

Here's the end result. 21 February, 2016.

..: ¸•*°ˆ°*•¸ ..:::;;;;; ¸•*ˆˆ*-.,¸¸,.-*ˆˆ*•¸ ...:;; Ñøp.200 ;;:... ¸•*ˆˆ*-.,¸¸,.-*ˆˆ*•¸ ;;;;;:::.. ¸•*°ˆ°*•¸ :..
..: ° ...::::;;;;; “‹,¸¸,›“.: Words are a mere ˜-.¸ ....::;;;;;::.... ¸.-˜ ..:; waste of time ::. “‹,¸¸,›“ ;;;;;::::... ° :..
..:;˜• ,¸¸,¬*°º•¸ ....::;; Images on the other hand, remain in our minds forever ;;::.... ¸•º°*¬,¸¸,•˜;:..
…….:::::::;;;;;;;;; ˜*•„¸˜*•„¸˜*•„¸˜*•„¸ ˜`ˆ°*«.,¸¸,.‹°†°›.,¸¸,.»*°ˆ´˜¸„•*˜¸„•*˜¸„•*˜¸„•*˜;;;;;;;;;:::::::…….

20-Mar-2016 11:51:45 - Last edited on 20-Mar-2016 12:48:48 by 4A6F6B6B75



Posts: 35,046 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
4 to 3, 2, 1

I had to make take this 4-liner and make 3-, 2- and 1-liners our of it:

..................¸„· '` '* ·¸........¸,¸......, · . ' . ¨ 'x†rí1' ¨ . ' . · ,......¸,¸........¸· *' ´' ·„¸..................
¸·*ˆ*·›.,¸..................'.,¸,‹´.....`'´.......'chêrìšh høÞë'.......`'´.....`›,¸,.'..................¸,.‹·*ˆ*·¸
'.„¸¸,.,¸.................¸.‹ -¬-.¸.............'höÞè îš çômïñg'.............¸.-¬- ›.¸.................¸,.,¸¸„.'
...........`·.,¸¸,. - ’¨...............`¸íñ ƒåì†h †hà† í† wîll cømê!**...............** - .,**,.**...........

Here are they. 6 March, 2016.

... ¸,„„,¸ ..... „- '` ' -¸ .... ¸,¸ .... , · . ' . ¨ [.........] ¨ . ' . · , .... ¸,¸ .... ¸- ' ´' -„ ..... ¸,„„,¸ ...
;´.......... ˜* ............. '·-‘´ .... `'´ ...... [....................] ...... `'´ .... `‘-·' ............. *˜ .......... `;
.¨ˆ“ˆ˜ˆ · .,¸¸,. - ˆ´˜`‘ ·¸ ..... [.........................................] ..... ¸·‘´˜`ˆ - .,¸¸,. · ˆ˜ˆ“ˆ¨.

... ¸„« ¬„ .. “ˆ¯ ' · , ­ ­ ,°˜° •„• · ' · ´ [.........] ` · ' · •„• °˜°, ­ ­ , · ' ¯ ˆ“ .. „¬ »„¸ ...
‘¯· ¬- .,_¸¸_ ,. -¬¨„¨¸ [............................................] ¸¨„¨¬- ., _¸¸_,. -¬ · ¯‘

‹*,ˆ_˜¸,.¸·¸‘,¯„`,ˆ·¸·ˆ¯ˆ · „ · * ˆ °¯ [............................................] ¯° ˆ * · „ · ˆ¯ˆ·¸·ˆ,´„¯,‘¸·¸.,¸˜_ˆ,*›

20-Mar-2016 11:51:49 - Last edited on 20-Mar-2016 12:51:08 by 4A6F6B6B75

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