Somehow..someway, I put a link on my signature to support The Santa Army, but my Link isn't working? Is it because of the color I used?
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- Do not try to pretend to be a Forum moderator only posts with a green border on them are those of a Forum Moderator and itll be very obvious if you do!"It's against the forum rules. Simple as that.
Oh BTW, you probably want to keep this link of colors handy in one of your reserves. If you don't already have it. 278-279-877-64690220
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- Do not try to pretend to be a Forum moderator only posts with a green border on them are those of a Forum Moderator and itll be very obvious if you do!"It's against the forum rules. Simple as that.
I saw page 3, but thought that the link might be good for All, the colors.. without having to repeat... oh., btw ... who do you think is going to win the Cabbage games?
Report the WBM'S
- Do not try to pretend to be a Forum moderator only posts with a green border on them are those of a Forum Moderator and itll be very obvious if you do!"It's against the forum rules. Simple as that.
Oh dear, I see Ruby broke the table of contents. darn censor
Icey, it still functions perfectly fine, even if some of the decorations are starred out.