well i guess id bring my computer WITH modem, webcam, wires and everything for a computer, to play runescape =P.
Next thing i'd bring is my rubik's cube, if im there forever i might as well TRY to solve it in a few years... Last thing i'd bring would be well... a LUMBRIDGE TELEPORT TABLET TO GET OUT OF THE IGLOO!!! IM FREE!!! :p
was reading the first few pages and people seemed very hellbent on escaping the igloo with heat. here' the definiton(s) of an igloo
1. an Eskimo house, being a dome-shaped hut usually built of blocks of hard snow.
Stress the word usualy
2. Informal. any dome-shaped construction thought to resemble an igloo: immense silos topped with steel igloos.
this could also work
3. Military. a dome-shaped building for the storage of rockets or other munitions.
people would say (use teh rockets to blow a hole)
4. an excavation made by a seal in the snow over its breathing hole in the ice.
So see an igloo dos** have to be made of ice and therefor can be heat resisent