I'd bring:
1) a radically-fast computer with a word processor program on it, and with hyper-fast broadband internet.
2) a satellite fone with a database of all the numbers of every important person on it, and a language translator so I can talk to them.
3) Erm... I guess this will be the internet connection or the fone database, just in case the providor of these three items decides that they're not just part of the computer and fone.
So I've got my connections, my writing, the internet for research, imagination... sounds like a pretty good life actually
Oh yeah; I'd also need a lifetime Runescape subscription in with the computer.
25-Apr-2008 04:57:47
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25-Apr-2008 04:58:51
lol. everyone is in igloo but me
as a dedicated bumper of almost all of eums threads, i am immune to being locked in igloos.
*runs and hides in a fort filled with traps before eum spots this*
25-Apr-2008 13:08:09
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25-Apr-2008 13:08:29