1**** following game systems etc.- Game Set: *box 360, Xbox, Ps3, Ps2, Wii, and infinite coolio controllers to play them with and a 60" Plasme Flatscreen TV
2. My computers- The fastest and best laptop in the world, the fastest and best DESKTOP in the world. 5 Super Mouses! Also Internet and access to youtube etc.
3. My best friend to hang out with (and talk to so I dont go psycologically crazy), and to play Runescape with
Well, my life's already clockwork enough, so I'd bring a massive tv, a live vid link to bass lessons, martials arts class, and (can't believe I'm saying it) school... and a box containing all forms of my virtual entertainment...
Lol, this one is stupid.
Best friend
Another best friend
An axe
Me: Okay, I'll chop both of you're heads off so you guys can quickly escape. *Chops heads*
Me: Now somebody do me! *Cricket* *Cricket*
`•.,¸,.•´Showing in Silver, Glowing in Gold`•.,¸,.•´
`•.,¸,.•´¯¥¯`•.,¸,.·Auro, a Mahjarrat·.,¸,.•´¯¥¯`•.,¸,.•´