Banned for not getting a room.
Report the WBM'S
- Do not try to pretend to be a Forum moderator only posts with a green border on them are those of a Forum Moderator and itll be very obvious if you do!"It's against the forum rules. Simple as that.
Banned for starting a rumor that I am awesome at zooming in at just the right time.
Report the WBM'S
- Do not try to pretend to be a Forum moderator only posts with a green border on them are those of a Forum Moderator and itll be very obvious if you do!"It's against the forum rules. Simple as that.
*Just Adore's Pippy's awesome hairstyle..
Report the WBM'S
- Do not try to pretend to be a Forum moderator only posts with a green border on them are those of a Forum Moderator and itll be very obvious if you do!"It's against the forum rules. Simple as that.