0. :p lidding full 10.
NOOB:Can i be a noob?? is that good????
why r u wearing a marshmellow on ur head while cooking???
I want a cow?? can urnicorns poop magical terds??
are animals my friend?? y wont it let me swim??
is there a swiming lvl??? do fish bite!??? are the
crown thingies anygood??? Can u whear face paint???
Y do everybody spell things wrong??? Do u like answering questions??? Am i asking to many??? can sit down???
Where is the pay talker??? Y cant i have cow hair????
P.S Whats P.S standfor??? wats rofl mean??? does lol mean Lying Orange Ladies??? Do we get stickers if i do good???
Y wont you answer my questions???? Am i talking to loud???? Can i wisper??? y do chickes hurt me??? Do cows talk??? Y do other ppl take me to my death???? do they want me dead???
is that the point of the game??? Where did runescape origionate from???? Is is chinease??? Why are there so many questions???? OK 1 more question.... Can unicorns be pink??? y are there rats bigger then me??? Am i allowed to lie??? cause i just did... Well good bye. I sais good bye. Answer me!!!!!!!!!! Noob *oops*
(my friend thought this up: MBC SOCCER)
20-Dec-2008 22:22:59