Ol' Tz-Tok Jad was hoppin' around
Falador City like a big playground
When suddenly from the shadows out bursts a Shade
That hit Tz-Tok Jad with a fire wave
Jad got mad and began to attack
But didn't expect to be blocked by a giant rat
Who preceded to open up a can of Rat-Fu
When the Wise Old Man jumped out of the blue
Who started beating up the rat and hearing him squeal
But they both got flattened by Yelps' squeal wheel
Which went away to hide in a Bandosian cave
When the Barrows Brothers hopped out of their grave
Karil the Tainted pulled a crossbow out from under his hat
And blew Yelps away with a ratta-tat-tat
Then he ran out of bolts and he ran away
Because Vorago came to save the daaaaaay