you´ve just red another spampost on ur useless life to waste som time of ur day that culd had gone totally different way,if u didnt open this stupid damned thread and come read this stupid damned spampost i just made for u to get annoyed, and feel perfectly awkward because of the fact all time i typed this text exactly for YOU ive got my finger on my nose even i type wit 2 hands. now youre imaging how the heck is that even possible and get childhoodmemories how does the first noseslime taste like, if u belong to the 60%of humanpopulation who enjoys picking nose and eating the noseslime there is around thirty%change u r now picking ur nose urself too, changes u r just thinking of picking ur nose r 45percent. theres also very thin of approx ten percent change that u r going to try pick ur nose and type with both of ur hands when u do the typing of ur stupid damned spampost to the next poor soul who might end up opening this stupid damned spamthread and now when u has red this message this far u r also getting fast braincell activity thinking of what will the next poor soul who opens this stupid damned spamthread look like and does she or he also belong to humanpopulation who picks hes or her nose, is she or he even half as insane as the person who typed post befor urs was, now u get small wonder will u waste ur time more on Runescape forums after typing ur stupid damned post to bother the next person whos face u most likely never will see but u can feel it must b pretty damn ugly since she or he wastess hes stupid damned life to open this stupid damned spamthread, will you waste ur stupid damned life somewhere else instead is a big questionmark or will u go open up now utube and search for som rick roll dude who should b awesom rockstar and never talk about noseslimes but who knows is tis rick roll good at all or is he just dude who wuld type long messages for u to read , most people would atlest give him a try and also think a second does he eat noseslimes as well
01-Sep-2012 22:28:10