Alas, the goblin priest did not have Threes' lost soul. However, he was so taken by her charms, he gave her another clue as he pointed off in the distance to the north. Threes said "What? All I see are some mountains with caves...ooooh, I get it...deep in the ground and high in the sky at the same time!" Threes ran off to investigate the caves, leaving behind the lovesick goblin. The search continues!
The cowboy searched the cows until he found the one marked by his ranch's brand.
Threes climbed up a dangerous mountainside in search of her lost soul. She reached a large cave entrance. Inside, she faced a sturdy metal wall. In the middle of the wall, there was a door with no handle, no visible means of opening the door at all. Along the north wall of the cave she saw three small statues carved to look like bird nests. Scattered across the cave floor, Threes found three stone carvings which looked like birds. There was a blue one, a green one, and a red one. Threes also noticed an inscription on the north wall which read "Returning the birds to their proper homes is the key to your success. Blue is not first. The middle nest is not home to a bird of a primary color" From left to right, first to third, in what order does Threes place the birds on the stone nests?
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.
09-Nov-2018 21:52:11