Would you like a gallery signature? If so, which one? Yes please.
Do you want an image signature? If so, what do you want the images to be? FOW in big letters
Do you want colours in your signature? If so, which one(s)? Purple, black and white.
In your signature, do you want a higher or lower character count (higher character count also means more intricate)? Higher please.
Have you read the rules? No, rules are bad.
Normal or Ål† ¢ödê text? Normal.
How many lines would you like (maximum is 4)? 4.
Line 1's text?
Line 2's text?
Line 3's text?
Line 4's text?
Which browser do you use (IE, GC, FF, etc.)? GC
Normal (...), shaded(.:.), or alt-spaced( )? Shaded.
Will you be patient while your signature is being made? Indeed.
Will you rate your signature (1 to 10) when you've received it? Indeed.
Anything extra? I want the letters FOW to be rather big in the signature. Let me know if I have not given you enough information. Thanks again.
12-May-2013 04:52:45
- Last edited on
12-May-2013 04:58:05