But now for real...
(i know, because i worked at that hospital)
((and yes, i am very old))
His very last words where:
(i translated it)
Ah, nurse, you can't hear me because i speak Germans!
*nurse puts electricity out*
A A A A a a a aa aaa aa a a a h......
What's that?... Who are you?! O no, it's the eastern bunny in disguise! No, i dont want your chocolade eggs! What is that? It looks like an cockatrice monster, wait! It's made out of choclade!
What are you doing?!!
Hel *chocolades*
I am the sweetest einstein of the world, and i love everyone!
(NEVER EVER trust the eastern bunny, with his evil sweet plan)
WOW I didn't know Albert Einstein died in 1944. I thought it was like, in the 1600's. Cool... I mean its not cool that he died just that he died closer to when I was born. I think... Idk...