is this the 30th century
i can not belive its not butter
open the white pearly gates so i can kiss you
elementary my dear watson
la la la la la la elmos world!
why did i invent penicillin
if only that tricycle didnt run over me
oh doctor i have on question is my....
oh oh oh i cant feel my tongue!
i wonder how the fast food service is
(in an english hospital) at last i have found the cure for cancer!!!! Nurse,kiss me!! (kisses nurse but she gives him MRSA and it instantly kills him)
nurse:oops i guess we should watch the news more often.
Einstein:I almost have 99 Attack!!!!!
Fellow Scientist: Einstien there has been a outbreak of very dangerous ItWillKillYouImediatly-ocide in pickles!!!!!
(einstein looks over and he sees-
Einstein: A PICKLE JAR!!!!! I WAS EATING PICKLES!!! Must Become Lvl 99 in Attack before I die!!!!!
(Duh it's ItWillKillYouImediatly-ocide what do you think will happen?)