Dungeoneering is the ownage skill
One of the only fun ways to train other skills
(Im level 54 Dungeoneering lols)
÷+-_-+÷ (Simoon) ÷+-_-+÷
My Dungeoneering level is 38. Would've been much higher, but I got other skills to train as top priority :p
30xp for floor 1 dungeon, complex 6 b4 i figured out about prestige, now its 900xp for floor 1 dungeon, complex 6 after figurin out the prestige thing :p
So... hows Dungeoneerin? good? bad? Personally, I think its pretty good, with much room for improvement
and mum made a thread? wats the qfc of the thread if u kno it Nop or anyone?
185-186-85-60913975 here you go
I personally think dungeoneering is a good way to train other skills. Well in f2p. Especially ones like smithing and combat ones that take longer to train or are expensive.