
Count to 100 before a JMod

Quick find code: 55-56-393-65618393

Mod Neena

Mod Neena

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Legaia 2 Pla said :
29, can we do this!?

Rooh said :
It's the weekend, we might just be able to do this...


You came so close!

PS. It's Mod Kalaya's birthday today, feel free to wish her a happy birthday... shhhh

Marketing Campaign Executive

16-May-2016 09:21:27

Mod Neena

Mod Neena

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
PS... the cakes are purple because apparently it's
- apparently it's a holiday that's meant to promote peace between us and any space aliens who might be lurking about.
Marketing Campaign Executive

16-May-2016 10:57:53

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