So apparently you can add a 100m non refundable mount to your PoH in osrs now. That will prove to be interesting. Imagine getting hacked and seeing your hard earned gp mounted in your house every single time you teleport there. It's like the ultimate troll.
Pursuit CC is best CC. Check them out on the forums or in the clan chat.
If my memory serves me correctly (and it often does not) was there not at one time a
PINK PIPPY? Maybe this was a transitional phase on her journey to Purpleness.
Or maybe I just imagined the whole thing.
im pretty sure there was. maybe even a black hair one for a brief moment in time i think. that would be my favorite
Old School
If my memory serves me correctly (and it often does not) was there not at one time a
PINK PIPPY? Maybe this was a transitional phase on her journey to Purpleness.
If my memory serves me correctly (and it often does not) was there not at one time a
PINK PIPPY? Maybe this was a transitional phase on her journey to Purpleness.
Or maybe I just imagined the whole thing.
I think so, I also did a green/white over Christmas one year