Well, truthfully, I only really like purple and red partyhats; blues are too overused... I haven't tried white yet, and yellows and greens are kind of meh.
So, I'll most likely end up keeping a purple once the ge decides to sell me one, but what next? Third-age? Dyes (NOT barrows)? Potentially something else, such as all spirit shields?
Very afkable
bet he will just make it purple
Well, truthfully, I only really like purple and red partyhats; blues are too overused... I haven't tried white yet, and yellows and greens are kind of meh.
So, I'll most likely end up keeping a purple once the ge decides to sell me one, but what next? Third-age? Dyes (NOT barrows)? Potentially something else, such as all spirit shields?
agreed with you on phats
i have nothing to go for on rs3 anymore. ill probably just keep using this acc to fund my osrs acc
Old School