Although I have no idea what the head gear is, I like how THORLAKnil has combined red and purple to have a fiercesome face.
That helm is called mask of the abyss - its a slayer helm from treasure hunter for abyssal demons.
Also.... I see no purple all I see is blue... have you gone color blind?
purplies these days...
Although I have no idea what the head gear is, I like how THORLAKnil has combined red and purple to have a fiercesome face.
That helm is called mask of the abyss - its a slayer helm from treasure hunter for abyssal demons.
Also.... I see no purple all I see is blue... have you gone color blind?
purplies these days...
All of this is correct, but I believe it turns into a helm after 500 kills or so while wearing the mask (not the slayer creatures killed).
Well, personally I believe that some people who have stacks upon stacks bought out a lot of them to make them rise, but that's just my thought on why they've risen so much.
Very afkable
Well, personally I believe that some people who have stacks upon stacks bought out a lot of them to make them rise, but that's just my thought on why they've risen so much.
AFK, would you kindly follow me to the background for
you know to much and have to be made to forget
tastey snacks, think they have brownies and cookies.
,°ˆˆ°¸ `'¸ ,°ˆˆ°¸
. { obendigo ·¸
. `- „¸¸`,.' ,¸¸, From the Shadows we rise. The OG Black Knight.