Hm... I was thinking about to create a chess game here in this section so everyone per post will just copy the previous poster's board position and then do their move white or black
I'm gaÿ.
sir eos lee
hmmm ... how hard would it be to do a forum post game of pong?
You could have the ball and the side barriers move according to the seconds counter of your post. Maybe the first digit determines the ball, the second digit determines where the barriers go?
Or perhaps the barriers move a certain amount each post (maybe one line up or down at a time), regardless of the seconds counter, but the ball would still use the seconds counter?
As you can see, the barriers moved down a line and the ball moved up. The ball could also move to the side, whichever direction it is travelling. Maybe add a direction arrow to the ball to avoid confusion?: •›
I reported it as a bug, but thanks. They may also have moved it elsewhere. Twitter seems the way to go nowadays. Mod Ash used to post on the forums regularly but not so much anymore.
He said it's just been moved to the eastern side of Wildy near the Sawmill I believe?