the basic concept is a kind of battling game which uses the time of a post.
So for example, you have 00:00:00
The first two digits are hours so wouldn't have an impact, it would probably be the 4th, 5th and 6th which would decide this. there'd be elements, weapons, and characters/classes or something.
So you might have 12:2
The orange digits are the ones governing the stats, so let's say 3 is a knight, 4 is fire, and 5 is a hammer. So you get a fire knight who wields a hammer.
You would play this and then if it is overall super-effective against the previous poster's character, you get a point. Other way round, and they get a point. Tie, and no-one gets a point.
The problem is, the whole thing is random and has no element of challenge or skill to it.